Gabby’s birtday party was a few weeks back. She decided that she had to have her party at Arcadia Park in Phoenix. One might wonder how she came to this big decision. Well one day we decided to stop by that park, we had never been there before. She noticed a hot pink T Rex pinata hanging under one of the ramadas. It was then and there that she decided her next birthday party would be at Arcadia Park. Because of her love of dinosaurs – she had made her decision.
Keith brings his camera everywhere. As a mom, it makes me really happy having a children’s portrait photographer as my husband because I have loads and loads of great pictures of my children doing absolutely everything. For this party, he decided to set up a mini photo set to take pictures of all Gabby’s friends. Just one light and a battery pack. The pictures came out great. A great little thank you for the parents.
This particular picture I thought was just beautiful. This little girl really did not want her picture taken. But with a little coaxing she was kind enough to go along.
Keith seems to have that effect on children – he can always persuade them with the camera and is always able to get a great shot.