
big brother, little sister | family portrait photographer phoenix west valley

children, families, General, portrait

the blog:

The world can be a very small place. It just so happens that we have known this family for the better part of our time here in Arizona. We happened to live in the same community the first few years. We have used their professional services – which I would love to rave about but will keep them anonymous! And fortunately for us, for two consecutive years, they have used our professional services. Last year, there was only big brother. Funny how much can change in a year. Now big brother has an absolutely adorable little sister! If I don’t say it often enough – we love being portrait photographers! We meet the best people, the greatest kids, the kindest families. This family is fits all 3 descriptions. Oh and I’ll add one more – I think the session ran about an hour and a half – and little baby girl was a dream! Not one bad peep out of her. Hard to imagine. And a round of applause goes out to Big brother!  He was having fun with all the golf balls – and since he is such an all star already – was impressing us with his baseball moves! A really fun session with a really special family!

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