Hi All,
As a lot of you know and a lot of you don’t, we had a special group of portrait sessions recently. We called them the Cool Portraits. Cheesy as that may sound at first, it was a great name. It was almost a million degrees outside (we are in the Arizona desert after all). It was in a very well air conditioned commercial/fashion studio ( think Zoolander ). It was all music, wind machines and fun. Oh… and some really cool kids and their parents. Why you may ask? Because, like I said earlier it was a million degrees out and I love to photograph people. Little young people mostly but people just the same. Knowing that about me… I am neither cruel or a masochist; I don’t want any of us to combust in the heat. I brushed off my old studio chops from my NYC days and BAM! Fun stuff on a hot day. Complete with the sense of motion that I covet in my photos and no stuffiness that the thought of studio portraiture conjures up. Success all the way around. It helps too that it was well attended and said attendees had a blast (or so they told me). I liked it so much that I think I will do it again. When you ask? I don’t know. Maybe later, maybe sooner if there are enough requests.
Whether or not you were there, enjoy the slide show of one of the attendees.
P.S. I love the song playing in the video.