I love reading wedding blogs…there is something so special about each wedding and the detail that goes into planning every event. Martha Stewart’s blog is full of great tips and information…but this entry particularly caught my attention because Keith and I were just talking about this camera last night. The Canon G9 is soon to be our new “family” camera – I guess Martha agrees.
September 17, 2008
Calling all bloggers to “The Martha Stewart Show”
Just got back from taping of “The Martha Stewart Show” show. It was a fun show — all about blogging. The highlight was getting to see Mrs. Bee from Wedding Bee blog (she was blogging all show long — be sure to check it out). Also Martha gave a few of us MSLO bloggers a CanonG9 Powershot camera for our blogging — she loves this camera — in case you’re looking for a new camera for your honeymoon!