Tis the season for lots of happy families with adorable children! I think this is one of my favorite ages, right around one. This age is great, they can sit up, stand, maybe even walk – and they are just so adorably curious and cute. And an absolute joy to photograph!
This family is also perfectly representing the advice we give when asked – “We have a family portrait booked, what should we wear?” {A great question I might add!} The advice we like to give: complement each other. For example, let’s say the baby’s outfit was chosen first. The color of the dress and leggings is in the red family so the balance of the family’s clothing choices could be complementary to the baby’s outfit. Dad is wearing a nice striped shirt with colors that pick up both colors in the baby’s outfit. Mom is wearing a solid top that echoes one solid color in the baby’s outfit. Voila – a family that perfectly complements each other!