As a Red Sox fan, I certainly have no love for the New York Yankees, but I am a very nostalgic baseball fan. I hate to see history disappear. It is strange to think that this was the last game to be played at Yankee Stadium…many a Red Sox tragedy (and very few not so tragic moments) was played out on that diamond! It will be interesting to see if there is any effect on the team’s dynamic…only time will tell. I love to see Fenway Park and Wrigley Field survive this era of new, family friendly, more than the experience of the game type stadiums…
It kills me to offer congrats to the Miami Dolphins for their very impressive win over the New England Patriots today…but at least the Patriots can now get down to business and figure out how to improve their very ineffective (old) defense! Tom Brady couldn’t have saved the team that was on that field today! Keith had a very big smile on his face today!
Here is the NY Times article and photo on the end of an era….goodbye to Yankee Stadium!