A few weeks ago, Keith had the good fortune of photographing The Headstrong Project’s Warrior Cup Invitational in honor of our veterans and their families. What an emotional couple of days.
The Headstrong Project’s mission is to provide comprehensive mental healthcare to Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. “Over 300,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans report symptoms of PTSD. The VA estimates we lose 18 veterans a day to suicide and the Department of Defense reports 30-50 active duty troops take their lives every month.” YET “no comprehensive treatment program has been developed to treat this deserving population. Under the leadership of Zach Iscol, a combat decorated former Marine officer and Iraq veteran of the Battle of Fallujah, and Medical Director Dr. Ann Beeder, a leading psychiatric and public health expert, we have launched a long term project to provide cost-free, stigma-free, and bureaucracy-free mental healthcare to Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.”
Wow. Wow. Wow. It is really hard to put into words the incredible work of this organization. Keith is a veteran himself which perhaps makes him a little more sensitive to the plight of a soldier. But while Keith served during war time, he was not deployed to an area that was in harm’s way. But to listen to The Headstrong Projects message, to hear real stories about what these soldiers and their parents and families are going through, to try and comprehend these statistics – it is staggering. And inspirational.
Please take a moment and visit their website. And if you can, please help.
Click HERE to view a slideshow from the Dinner Gala and the Warrior Cup Pro-Am.