Keith photographing our daughter in Koufonisia, Greece this summer, photo by me
If you enjoy what you do – you don’t work a day in your life. I don’t know where this quote actually originated but I remember Keith saying it years ago and it always stuck with me.
It took me years to figure this out. I had my career that I didn’t particularly love but paid well. It wasn’t until I left that job on maternity leave with our first daughter that I started to understand what he meant. Life is short and you spend a lot of time working. So it goes without saying that having your job or career bring you satisfaction, happiness and provide for your family is the dream. Or at least my dream.
I was always the one who said that I still hadn’t found what I was looking for. I might be a grown up but I still didn’t know what I wanted to do. Now I was working along side Keith, running the business side of things, but noticing how happy he was on each and every shoot. My dad kept telling me since I was a kid that I had a good eye. He bought me my first camera when I was in college. Keith kept encouraging me saying the same thing. Eventually it clicked that it was time I did something that I loved. I took a big step for someone who was over 40, I went back to school to learn photography.
I sat down today to write a post on the history of Labor Day and ended up here, reflecting on my own work. Thank goodness there are all sorts of jobs and careers that make everyone happy and satisfied in different ways. I recognize that probably the greater majority of people in the world toil away at something their entire lives simply to provide for their family, never having the opportunity to make choices and pursue something that makes them happy. For most, their job is chosen out of necessity. But for those fortunate enough to have choice – it is possible to have it all.
I sit here today on Labor Day, thankful for all sorts of things in my life but most importantly that I get to do something every single day that not only provides for my family but also makes me happy.
Now it’s both Keith and I that can say we absolutely don’t work a day in our lives.
since I digress from here is a little snippet on Labor Day and what it means:
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
(taken directly from the US Dept of Labor website)