Hi. This will be my first in a series of posts over time devoted to familiarizing some people with photographers that I think should be known. Some of you may already know and others you may not. I have no idea how often or how many times I will do this but I hope that some if not many will find this informative and or entertaining. The first photographer will be Ralph Gibson. Ralph is by chance a person that I have had the great pleasure of knowing. I interviewed him for a project I was assigned back in photography school. We were each assigned a photographer to give a lecture on to the student body and faculty. I was lucky that a friend of mine from my bar tending days was a friend of Ralph’s. She was a photographer and former art critic and she arranged for me to meet him. From that meeting I not only graded out well on my assignment, I ended up with a job upon graduation as Ralph’s personal assistant. I can go on about him but there is enough already written. His work is worth researching. It is worth mentioning that if it were not for Ralph and his publishing company Lustrum Press, people such as Mary Ellen Mark and Robert Frank would have had a much harder time getting to be known. I will conclude this with the mention of a show of Ralph’s work will be on display at the Center for Creative Photography in Tuscon Arizona from June 16 — September 16, 2007. I encourage anyone who can to go see the show. If you have any comments on Ralphs work (or anything else for that matter) that you would like to share with the other readers of this blog then please write a comment. Here is a photo I took of Ralp in his studio.