Every man should be allowed to love two cities, his own and San Francisco. Gene Fowler
We just love San Francsico. I’m from Boston and Keith is from New York City – so there is some pretty tough competition. San Francisco seems to embody the quaintness of Boston with the big city feel of New York all at the same time.
We were so excited when the above couple chose Keith to photograph their wedding this coming November. Rhonda Rush of Impact Events is the wedding planner for their big day. She just knew we would be a perfect fit for one another – and she couldn’t have been more right! We all met for the first time at The Arizona Biltmore a few months back. We decided then that engagement session in San Francisco, their hometown, would be a lot of fun.
The bride is a native Arizonan and the groom is a native San Franciscan, by way of Ireland. The city means a lot to their family. The house that they currently live in was the groom’s family home growing up. The home, the family and the neighborhood was what this session was all about.
They decided that the perfect starting point for the engagement/family session was Twin Peaks, very close to their home. What a spot. 360 degree sweeping views of the city and San Francisco Bay. The perfect day. So beautiful. (I know, I’m like a love sick school girl, I just adore San Francisco!)
From Twin Peaks – the session headed back to the home and neighborhood. Their adorable little boy is just such a little cutie, a beautiful family. A really enjoyable family session full of love, laughter and happiness. Makes me smile.
There is nothing better from our point of view then having a small glimpse into a couple’s life together. We are really looking forward to being part of their special day in November.
{Oh and I really get that expression about leaving your heart in San Francisco. I leave a little part of mine every time I visit!}