I just received my most recent issue (Oct 08) of Cookie Magazine and the highlight (amongst all sorts of great kids Halloween ideas) is The Cookie 100. This list of great items, in the words of the authors is “in short, ..the things that make moms happy. Because when you’re happy, it usually means everyone else is too.” I and my family concur!
I read through the list and agree with the majority of the 100, but especially #27!
Apple – “Apple products are an oasis of clarity and calm”. The author goes on to mention iPhoto (now her photos are in a user friendly album), iTunes (countless playlists are cued up with the drag of a mouse) and iPhone (where she puts her family’s schedule in the palm of her hand)!
We again concur.. we are a mac friendly home and business..it is hard to imagine life without the way Apple simplifies it!