
trick or treat halloween fun | phoenix family portrait photographer

children, General, personal, portrait

the blog:

Our kids had such a blast on Halloween – running from house to house, taking turns to ring doorbells, they trick or treated till their pumpkins were too heavy for them to carry! I think the tipping point in the kids being able to carry their overflowing candy loot was the can of coke one guy was giving out. That was probably one of the more interesting items I have seen someone handing out. Perhaps he forgot to buy candy and had a case or two of soda in the garage. Or maybe he suspected the kids might need a drink along their route. Regardless, I appreciate his creativity. At least he didn’t turn his lights out and slink away – as Keith and I had to do one year when we ran out of candy!

The bottom line is that our “Goddess of Greek” and our “Pink Flamingo” and their cousin the little Princess had a great evening and have tons of candy to show for their efforts. Success.

I love having a children’s portrait photographer as my children’s dad – it never fails, I have such great pictures of my kids (and family) for every holiday, every occasion! I treasure each and everyone of these pictures – even if most of them are trapped in the computer!

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