This is our first time posting a year in review post. My goal is to show a complete wedding through the eyes of multiple weddings photographed this year. Not every wedding is represented and not every situation but this is a snapshot of the key elements that make up a wedding day. From the chaos of getting ready, to the calm of the ceremony, to the party after – every wedding is unique and this compilation is just a taste of what fun we have wedding after wedding!
There is something so special about arriving at a bride’s hotel room/home/place she is getting ready on her wedding day. Those first photos as the door opens are some of our favorites. We are not big on staging photos so generally the photo we take of the wedding dress and the bride’s surroundings is exactly as we find it. Occasionally we do need to take the dress out of its bag – or move it to a spot that doesn’t have too much glare but for the most part what we see is what you get! A retelling of your wedding day as it unfolds. We cherish emotion, we love improvisation and above all else we love love. Looking forward to the New Year!
Happy 2015!