I have decided that it is finally time to take better pictures of our children! Keith is an extremely talented photographer and takes amazing pictures of our children as well as lots of other people’s children! However, I want to be able to take good (I will aspire towards great after I learn the basics!) pictures too! I want to be happy when I pick my pictures.
Our daughter is turning 2 in a couple of weeks – my goal is to be able to take better pictures by the time her party rolls around! We started this 30 Day Challenge a few weeks ago, the long and short of it is as follows:
30 days = the time I have till Gabriella’s birthday
Challenge = Keith will give me daily assignments to help me become a better picture taker (I shouldn’t even use the word photographer at this point!) However, we will each take one shot for each assignment, post it and make hopefully instructive comments about what I could or should have done to improve the image quality.
This is evolving daily…so the format may change as we move forward…but the bottom line is: I will be taking better pictures by the end of this month. From this point on, I hope to not add to the piles and piles of snapshots that I have taken over the years! Quality not quantity is something I hope I take away from this! If you want to witness my transformation from mediocre to fabulous, check out my blog: cameramommy
Here are the photos from the first “shot” of the challenge:
yes, in case you couldn’t guess the first shot is mine!