I am probably more guilty of this than anyone I know. Taking photos of Keith and I together, happens just about never. Yet I really want to and yet I rarely ever do.
Why not???
Why don’t we take photographs as a couple more often?
Yes, couples take engagement photos or pre wedding photos (still don’t have the right terminology for this, I’m working on it!) and they invest a lot of time and money on their wedding and hiring their wedding photographer because they want beautiful photos.
But why does it end there?
It does for so many couples. Some may want to take photos with the family dog for a holiday card. Many go on to have families and may or may not do maternity photos. Some may have us in for a newborn session (which is such an incredible honor) and of course just about everyone has family photos taken over the years.
We do not get asked enough to take post wedding photos of a couple together, still in love, without the dog, without the kids, just happy as can be.
I love growing old with Keith. I love that we work side by side, go to the gym together, raise children together, travel, laugh and cry together but we never take photos together.
We should want to remember what we looked like at 25, 35, 45, 55, 65 – how did we grow old together? Why are the years passing so quickly? How cute are we right now? So in love? More mature then when we were married. Different now that we have weathered a lot together yet so ridiculously more in love than ever.
Cheers to the above couple for celebrating their 10 year anniversary by not just being photographed but enjoying a weekend at the resort where they were married. Celebrating themselves post wedding.
I just love this and I want to see more of it.
But I’d be a hypocrite if I preach to the choir unless I do it myself.
venue:: Royal Palms
planner:: Life Design Events