Hi All,
Long time no write. I have been busy though. My new office in Scottsdale should be operational this comming week. I can’t wait. I would love to show it off to anyone who happens to be in the area. Drop me a line if you are around and would like a tour.
Now on to the explanation of the title. An old friend from school/New York stopped by the other day on his way to the 6th and final stop of his”Boonville USA” project. He is documenting the six US towns named Boonville (not to be mistaken with Booneville). It is a project that he is better at explaining and one which will hopefully bring him much earned attention. The number of photographers that actually fullfil the dream of a long term travel project is miniscule. I am one who had a great idea for a book project only to not go through with it. I can’t give enough praise to anyone who can muster the courage to go through what you must in order to fulfill that particular goal. Congratulations again Tim.
Please go and visit his blog. Realize too that he is doing this with a 4×5 film camera and NOT digital. He is truly a photographers photographer. I can’t wait to see what becomes of the final work. I am in line for a copy of the book when it is published.
I would love to hear your thoughts.