1 in 75 women will develop ovarian cancer in their lifetime. That is an incredible statistic. Here is something even more incredible, currently, no early detection test is available to diagnose ovarian cancer.
Having to endure someone you love go through something like dying of cancer is horrific. Having to witness your vibrant mother succumb to ovarian cancer when if detected early enough could have potentially been treated is not only horrific but heartbreaking. Knowing that “when ovarian cancer is found in its early stages, it has a 92 percent five-year survival rate. However, most women are diagnosed at advanced stages and less than 50 percent of these women will survive five years”.
Almost all of us will lose someone dear to us in our life time, all of us will grieve this loss. But not all of us take action and do something. These four sisters lost their mom, a woman that was in her prime, embracing life, enjoying her daughters and grand children, active and otherwise healthy. To have been deprived of more time with her because her illness was undetected is incredulous.
What I find most inspiring about these women is that they didn’t accept this. Things just don’t have to stay the way they are. They took on this crusade because they do not want you or I to have to go through this ourselves. They don’t want one more woman, wife, daughter, friend or sister to have to be taken early, when it might easily be prevented. Their selflessness is motivating.
Their mom left behind a legacy – four amazing daughters with the strength and perseverance to do something for the greater good of women around the world. I never met Colleen but I can only imagine that she is looking down incredibly proud of these women. When I look at my own daughters I can’t help but be filled with emotion and realize we are all the beneficiaries of their dedication to this cause and I am truly humbled.
Please pay a visit to their website and see all the work they are doing. Their mission: At Colleen’s Dream Foundation, we feel it is important to raise money for research that will lead to reliable early detection testing and improved treatment for ovarian cancer. Because so little is known about ovarian cancer in proportion to other women’s health issues, we have an incredible opportunity for research and education.
These women are all delightful – and as oldest sister Nicole (pictured alone) said, she is a smiley person and found it hard to be without a smile but we wanted these portraits to portray their strength and seriousness of purpose. A beautiful evening organized by planner extraordinaire Victoria Canada (pictured in second photo).
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